
A nonprofit for children and adults of all ages with and without disabilities. Currently developing programs in Palm Beach and Martin Counties.

#1 Coach

#2 Empower

#3 Lead

I'm Coach Dennis DeLois, here to help you RevUP your mental motor skills with Five Action Activities!

The mission of RevItUP123 is to coach, empower, and lead the way to improve mental motor skills and wellbeing through physical activity.
Our purpose is to actively engage Palm Beach County and the surrounding areas’ underserved and adaptive learning communities by providing programs targeted to improve mental motor skills and wellbeing.
RevItUP123 is focused on helping children and adults with and without disabilities improve their mental motor skills, build confidence, and build up their self esteem by applying the Five RevItUP123 Action Activities!

What We've Been Up To

Police Athletic League Youth Center in Cabana Colony​

Edna Runner​

RevItUP123! Founder and Head Coach, Dennis DeLois, far right, is a Certified Tier 3 Special Olympics Coach.

Dennis founded RevItUP123! in 2017 after he retired from teaching for 20 years in the Palm Beach County School System.

Pictured are the 2022 Special Olympics Basketball Team 2nd Place Tournament Champions. Far left back row is Special Olympics Coach and future Certified RevItUP123! Coach Peter Sandquist.


“When I got to know Coach DENNIS, IT WAS BETTER, I have made a lot of progress with my school work and I can focus better.”
– Smyran Ivory, 12 years old
“What I think is extremely neat for our kids is each of the five motor skills that he challenges our kids to accomplish are attainable for a six year old in our case all the way to a twelve year old.”
– Chad Upson, Police Athletic League
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